
Node.js 最佳實作

Referrer from express.js best practice.

In most cases, these are still useful in different frameworks or applications.

Do In Code

  1. Compression: proxy > app.use(compression())
  2. Asynchronous (async.) >> Synchronous (sync.)
    • The only reason to use sync. function is the time to start up server.
    • 唯一有理由使用同步函數的時機是在最初啟動之時
  3. Static files: proxy > serve-static > res.sendFile()
  4. Console is sync! Always use async or use sync only in development.
    • Debugging: debug >> console
    • Application: Winston / Bunyan >> console
  5. Handle Error ( Important!, Detailed in next section )
    • Try-catch
    • Promise

Handle Error

  1. Try-catch is synchronous.
  2. Express catch all sync. error in default (v.5 catch Promise as well)

What will log?

const callback = async () => {
    console.log("do another thing");
    throw new Error("foo");
    console.log("do more thing");

const method = async () => {
    console.log("do first thing");
    console.log("do second thing");

const main = async () => {
    try {
    } catch (err) {
        console.log("fire try-catch!");

    console.log("finish project!");


do first  thing
do another thing
do second thing
finish project!
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: foo
... (error stack)


  1. callback invoked some time later after method (do another thing).
  2. happened exception! wait to finish other synchronous processes (do second thing).
  3. finish try-catch block.
  4. final run (finish project!).
  5. Fire the asynchronous exception!


  1. Operational Errors
    • The errors you are/can except.
    • Log, Show, Retry/Abort.
  2. Programmer Errors

Do In Configuration

  1. env.NODE_ENV='production';
  2. Rebuild after error, use helpers or init system 1 2
  3. Multi-threads 3 4
  4. Caching 5 6
  5. Reverse-Proxy 7 8